if there is do it 1 more day then its ready 2 use! then look at it the next day there should be no stuff on top or bottom. this time use a syringe (sp) to suck all the water out u can without getting the stuff on the bottom n put it in another shot glass 4 24 hours. When u got most of it out mix it up again. Add some water so the shot glass if half full mix it up then let it stay there over night at least 12 hours There will be stuff floating on top use ur finger 2 take it out by just putting ur finger in it will stick 2 ur finger when u take it out. Get a shot glass n put all 12 in after u break them in half. Unisom now makes sleeping pills called Sleepmelts get them n u start out using 12 of them. n they dont remember if they kinda open their eyes for a second or 2. Dont worry bout getting caught if u test like I tell u. Most girls dont get enough the first time 2 do much more than expose their tits if that. First time is 2 see how she reacts 2 the sleep potion.